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Nutrition Panels-The New Format

Updated: May 15, 2024

Nutrition panels have been a required component of food labels for decades. Health Canada does update the requirements periodically. In 2016 a new nutrition format was announced (and new ingredient list labelling requirements). Deadline for compliance was Dec. 2021. This format has been in use for years, but there are examples of the previous version still in the marketplace. The image below from the CFIA is a helpful reminder of the changes made. The changes were based on consumer research related to how to make the panel more clear and the content most beneficial to Canadians health.

Food brands that are not using the updated format should update their nutrition panel (and may need to meet the updated requirements for ingredient list format). See other Resource Library posts with information on creating your Canadian nutrition panel.

The Canada Food and Drug Regulations applies to all packaged food sold in Canada. The CFIA has created the Food Labelling Industry Tool to help food industry navigate the Food and Drug Regulations labelling requirements:

Written By: Marlis Bens, Venturepark Labs Program Manager

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